To This book was created to help students in the 3rd grade to learn how to΄ primary school class to review, consolidate and assess their knowledge of mathematics on their own. It includes, based on the sections of the textbook, 59 short assessment criteria, which are formulated in a very pleasant an..
First Reading is, perhaps, the lesson that concentrates most of the efforts of both teacher and student. Without dwelling on the importance of the lesson, which we consider indisputable, it must be admitted that the stress on both student and teacher until the students have mastered the ability to r..
Dear Parents, In primary school students are taught the entire grammar of Modern Greek, while in secondary school the teaching of Modern Greek is limited. For this reason, it is necessary for the student from primary school to acquire a good basis in grammar, to practice spelling and to enrich his v..
The book includes 77 short assessment criteria, according to the sections of the textbook. At the end of the book the solutions are given in an original way and in such a format that they can be used for group correction in class...
To This book was created to help students in the E΄ to summarise, consolidate and evaluate their knowledge of mathematics in the E΄ Primary school. It includes, based on the sections of the new textbooks for the school year 2018- 2019, 60 short assessment criteria, which are formulated in a very ple..
To This book was created to help students in the 4th grade to learn how to΄ primary school class to review, consolidate and assess their knowledge of mathematics on their own. It includes, on the basis of the textbook units, short assessment criteria, which are formulated in a particularly pleasant ..
To This book was created to help students in the second grade to learn how to΄ primary school class to review, consolidate and assess their knowledge of mathematics on their own. It includes, based on the sections of the textbook, 63 short assessment criteria, which are formulated in a very pleasant..
The book ''Tongue testers'' for the D΄ Elementary school includes short criteria for repetition, consolidation and assessment, according to the sections of the textbook. It is a comprehensive proposal for the language course, covering grammatical phenomena with theory and creative exercises, exercis..
The book ''Language tests for C΄ Primary school'' includes short criteria for revision, consolidation and assessment, according to the sections of the textbook. It is a comprehensive proposal for the language course, covering grammatical phenomena with theory and creative exercises, exercise for cre..
The Spelling Index is a small dictionary, the student's first dictionary, which he is asked to create himself. And this is of great importance to him, because it gives him the joy of creation and self-activity. Every new word that he encounters in his language book and that presents a spelling diffi..